Saturday, December 10, 2011


Been thinking tonight about that verse that talks about delighting in God. It's so easy to get distracted and to put our hope in other things. Searched Bible Gateway to find the verse (Psalm 37:4), and came across lots of other verses that talk about 'delight', but surprisingly (to me anyway) often in reference to the way God relates to us, rather than only the other way around.

This one in particular stood out to me in the context of a question Sarah asked today, 'Why does God love us?'. It still baffles me that the God who created this universe would 'delight' in us, that He would send His only Son into our world - though a King (the King of Kings), born in a lowly stable and laid in a manger - and that His Son would take our place, my place, on the cross, and pay the price for my sin, all those times I go my own way instead of God's.

Despite our sin, because of Jesus, He delights in us. Oh to delight in Him!

Psalm 147:11 'The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.'

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