Friday, December 3, 2010

The temptation to be legalistic

I like it when things are black and white, when they're clear cut, when there's no confusion. But I think there's sometimes a temptation as Christians to make certain issues out to be black and white, when they're not necessarily that way in the Bible. In our desire for order and clarity we can read into different verses to find a black and white solution to various issues that God just doesn't seem to cover in great depth in the Bible.

I'm not a theologian, nor do I want to be one. I'm just a person who God created to be in relationship with Him, who wants to live a life that glorifies Him. I stuff up more often than I choose to remember, but I have been, and continue to be forgiven by God's amazing grace. And I have recently been thinking that there are probably some things that will remain grey this side of heaven, that God hasn't made crystal clear in the Bible because we don't necessarily need to know the answer to those questions.

I want to spend more time getting to know the One who knows the answers, rather than struggling to make everything black and white so that I feel more comfortable about my actions. I want to spend my life gaining a better understanding of who He is as revealed in the Bible, and allowing Him to transform me and guide my decisions.

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