Monday, February 28, 2011

Understanding, or lack of

Yesterday morning I missed a large proportion of the sermon as Sarah wouldn't stay in her class. I ended up sitting out the back with her, where I could hear bits and pieces when the preacher was speaking loudly and Sarah wasn't making noise. Heard bits about humility its importance in church unity (Eph 3). At the end, he made ten points that he found practical, I'm assuming to help us be humble.

One point was to not try to understand everything. I didn't hear how this fit in the context of humility and unity, but it made me think about how easy it is to waste time trying to understand everything. I can look at what's happening in the world, and my past and analyse different aspects to try and understand how a good, gracious, merciful, loving, all-powerful God could allow such things to happen. Or I can look at God and His actions as recorded in the Bible and realise that this God and His ways are beyond my comprehension, but I know that He has immense love for us, that would lead Him to give His Son's life for us, and I know that He is faithful and can be trusted.

Yes, there are times to work things through, but we don't need to understand EVERYTHING. Even though we might like to!

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