Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sorrow for a Purpose

So my devotion last night referred to 2 Corinthians 7:10 which I looked up to see the surrounding passage - I'm sure I've never seen this passage in the Bible before.  If it was a passage in the Old Testament I wouldn't be as surprised, but being Corinthians I was a bit surprised.  I can't believe I've been a Christian for nearly half a century and yet there's so much of the Bible I haven't read.  I'm very slack.  

Anyway, the verse says, "For God can use sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation.  We will never regret that kind of sorrow...".  I guess it's not the kind of verse we'd typically put in letter of encouragement when someone's going through tough stuff.

I think I needed to hear it though.  When I'm going my own way, and not putting God first I'm sinning.  How often I put other things before God, usually without even realising it... relationships with other people, my worries (very big one for me!!  I'm an expert at worrying), looking good and doing the 'right' thing.  Yeah, so often I haven't been putting God first.  My sorrow has reminded me to seek Him.

I bumped into an older friend from Church this afternoon who reminded me that I need to keep asking God to just keep me close to Him.  She didn't say this part, but especially so in times of sorrow.  I need to lean hard on Him.  

Lord help me to lean on You and put You first in everything.  Please use the sorrow in my life to help me to turn  from sin and doing things my way, and instead turn to You!

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