Monday, September 6, 2010


Still loving ceroc. The one thing I dislike about it, apart from the 'unusual' guys (usually older), is that it gets the endorphins going. They say endorphins are the chemicals released in the brain to make you feel good, and that exercise helps release these chemicals. Though ultimately they're very good, I'd rather feel this energised earlier in the day, not when I should be going to bed!!!

It's heaps of fun though. Loved dancing with one guy who kept dancing ahead of the instructor in our beginner class, most of the other guys were on their first lesson so he's had a bit more practice - he has this really funny laugh too.

One asian lady I met last week told me she hopes I find a nice young man there, doubt that! She was sweet. Oh yeah, and this other asian girl came up to me and said hello - I stood there awkwardly for a bit and asked her what the link was, she then told me her name which didn't help at all, then it occurred to me I met her in class last week. Der. How embarrassing!! What's worse, I still can't remember her name. I'm pretty sure it has two syllables.

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