Wednesday, July 15, 2009


For my birthday (which was ages ago), Mum gave me a Psalms journal.  I hadn't got around to writing in it until tonight... very slack!!  

On the first page there are a couple of verses from various Psalms listed under the heading, "Praise to the Lord".  One is the Psalm I journaled about only a few days ago, Psalm 30:11-12 about God turning my sorrow into dancing.  Perhaps God's trying to tell me something here?!

I love how David uses the words, I WILL.  I will sing to you, I will praise You forever.  It's not just something he'd like to do, it's something he chooses to do, and actually does.  My favourite quote from Habbakuk also contains these two words, "Yet I WILL rejoice".

I have to say though that I'm not sure I can often say those words.  It's my desire to sing to God because of His goodness to me, and to praise Him forever, to rejoice.  But I know that sometimes I don't.  I guess when David said it, he meant it at that moment.  I think "I WILL" is also about head over heart, that I let the decision I make in my head (guided by God's Spirit) rule my emotions rather than the other way around.

Lord,  I WILL seek to keep walking every moment of every day with you.  I WILL offer You everything I am so that you can keep moulding me.  I WILL praise You for your goodness and I WILL tell others of Your faithfulness.

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