Monday, July 27, 2009

Learning to relax, and delight in the Lord

I was about to go to bed, and thought I'd take a quick squiz at the next page in my Psalms journal. It's titled "Delight in the Lord", and it suddenly occurred to me that this is a very helpful, practical way to stop worrying and start relaxing. The first Psalm quoted is 37:4-6, talking about, surprise, surprise, delighting yourself in the Lord. Delight is another one of those words we don't really use much anymore. The dictionary defines it as, "to gain great enjoyment or pleasure from something".

Now that's a practical way to learn to relax. Delighting in God, in all that He is, in all the good things He's done in my life and the lives of others, enjoying being in relationship with Him, even amidst the tough stuff... in fact probably more so amidst the tough stuff.

As I delight myself in God, I learn to relax and let go of the reigns, and to trust Him.

I need to spend more time delighting in God... lots more time enjoying my relationship with Him. What an amazing privilege He's given us to share a relationship with Him through Jesus!

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