Thursday, September 10, 2009

Growing up

My little baby is growing up - tonight she's sleeping in her big bed for the first time. I thought she might not be ready to leave her cot, but she seemed fine and went straight to sleep. Mind you, the remainder of the night, and tomorrow morning, will be the test... a new bed = new freedom!

I'm excited, but I'm also sad that she's no longer my little baby.

It's funny that I hadn't really planned to move her into the big bed at a particular age. This afternoon I just thought, I think she might be ready so why not give it a try? So far I'm glad I did.

Makes me grateful that God just leads me one step at a time in life. Unlike me though, God does have the next step mapped out ahead of time (even before I was born! Psalm 139). He just doesn't show me till I need to know, which I'm realising is a really good thing. As much as I like to plan, I'm also good at worrying.

Thank You Father for showing me each step as I need to take it. Help me to trust You.

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