Monday, October 12, 2009

I will be with You

God's promise to be with me is not dependent on me or my ability to hang in there. It's dependent on Him, and Him alone. Isaiah 43:1-4

I watched an online video of Charles Stanley preaching on "When Others Fail Us". You can access the video here (look under July 2009). He looks at 2 Timothy 4:9-18 where Paul says in v16, "No-one came to me but everyone deserted me." Even the Apostle Paul, who had impacted so many people's lives, felt deserted and alone.

But Paul then goes on to say in v17, "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength".

God is the one who stands by my side, no matter what.

God is the one who gives me His Strength, a supernatural strength, given by His Holy Spirit who lives in me when I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.

It's God who will be with me... only God who will never desert me.

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