Sunday, October 4, 2009


Tonight's message was a great challenge to be seeing life from God's perspective... rather than seeing everything in light of our suffering, seeing through God's eyes, that He is wanting us to become more like Jesus - that God is more interested in our character development, than our comfort. Tom did a much better job saying it than I have here though.

The passage was Romans 8:28-39, and Tom reminded us that nothing can ever separate us from God's love, and our job is to trust Him. We need to remember amidst our suffering, that He loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us, to take our place, and to rise again... because He loved us and chose us before we were born.

The biggest challenge for me? v28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him". Trusting God even when times are tough and the moulding hurts... even when His answers to my prayers aren't what I would like them to be, or in the timing I would like them to be... Keeping His perspective on life. Hard work... but it's great that we don't have to do this alone, He's given us His Holy Spirit to help us keep His perspective.

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