Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Making Tabhouli

Before I get to the tabhouli, I need to vent for a minute... My mouse is driving me nuts - it's one of those wireless bluetooth ones or something, but the last day or so it's been losing the connection every now and again for no apparent reason. I just replaced the batteries a few weeks ago so I don't think it's that. Any ideas from the computer whiz's out there?

I enjoyed making some different food yesterday, well different for us. We usually stick to meat and three veg, and if I cook something fancy it's fairly plain stock standard, like apricot chicken or tuna mornay. So I tried making tabhouli and a corn cous-cous salad cause I thought the girls might like it. Lucy did. I enjoyed it yesterday, but wasn't so keen on it tonight. I think I'm still a meat and three veg girl. But I enjoy cooking (though prefer cooking desserts like sticky-date) so it was fun.

It was also interesting asking different people at the shops where I could buy "burghul". Most looked confused and asked me to repeat what I was looking for. Turns out it's the same as cracked wheat, or so I'm told. That's what I ended up using in the tabhouli as I couldn't find burghul anywhere. Most people hadn't heard of it, and quite a few of the Woollies ladies didn't know what tabhouli was. When they found out it was a salad they told me I could just buy it in the deli section. That would have been smart! In hindsight it probably would have been a lot cheaper, and we might have been able to eat it all in one night rather than having a life-time supply. Oh well, next time I'll do that and make sticky-date instead.

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