Monday, August 17, 2009


In my devotion recently I was reading Chuck Swindoll's thoughts about where our focus in life should be. He writes, "In this life, we have focus choices. We can focus on ourselves, we can focus on our circumstances, we can focus on other people, or we can focus on God. When you think biblically you focus first on God. Regardless of what you want, regardless of what others say or think, regardless of how you feel, God and God alone is working out His great plan. And in the final tally, it will be fabulous!"

Yeah, I'm grateful to God for reminding me, not just through His Word, but also through friends and family, that He is working out His great plan. I need to keep my eyes fixed on Him and Him alone... but this isn't easy and my memory can be very poor at times, so I think that's why God calls us to remind each other to fix our eyes on Him, to share our stories (struggles and testimonies of God's faithfulness), to support each other, and to pray for each other. He knows it's hard for us to do it alone.

As I focus on God, I see His holiness, His greatness - how awesome He is. I see how undeserving I am of His love, how unholy I am, and how amazing His love is that He would choose to love me despite my unworthiness, as Isaiah realises in Chapter 6 when he sees the Lord.

As I focus on God, I realise that without Him I am nothing, but with Him I have everything I need. All because of His grace. What an amazing God!

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